1. ALWAYS check you update WpEstate theme + WpEstate Core functionality plugin. Update the plugin from Appearance -> Install Plugins 2. ALWAYS clear browser cache and theme cache after you update the theme from an older version to be sure you are loading the latest additions correctly. Without clearing browser cache, you will not see the theme options […]
Change Log
WP Estate 4.04 – December 10
NOTE: the theme has been tested with WordPress 5.0 and there are no reported issues with 4.04 theme version or the previous version (4.03) and you can update wordpress without problems. We recommend to use Classic Editor for theme shortcodes to be easily managed with Bakery Plugin – https://helpv4.wpestatetheme.org/article/how-to-update-wordpress-to-5-0-version-gutenberg-editor/ Fix: When price has decimals, display the […]
Wp Estate
Revolution Slider update and Visual Composer update to latest versions. Wp Estate includes the Facebook SDK UPDATE. Please check notes Files modified libs/3rdparty.php – facebook api version has to be defined to v2.12 instead of v2.5 (just replace the value 2.5 with 2.12) libs/resources/facebook (entire folder) libs/ajax_functions.php – facebook api version has to be […]
Wp Estate v4.0.3.2
Yelp Api update Google Maps Api version set to 3.1 – last stable version Update for Visual Composer and Ultimate Addons plugin
Updated included plugins: WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.5, Revolution Slider, Ultimate Addons – 3.16.21 Fix: Close views number in user dashboard
WpEstate 4.0.2 – Oct 2017
Update: wpresidence-child-po.zip included with clients translations (please note that these are partial translations and they need to be updated to be 100% done) Update: Yelp Cache to improve site speed Update: Remove prev and next buttons from property page Fix: Print function when child theme is activated Fix: Minify yes for google maps files Fix: […]
WpEstate 4.01 – Plugins Update
Plugins updates: Visual Composer 5.3, Ultimate Addons 3.16.7 and Rev Slider 5.4.6
How to update the theme from Wp Estate 3.0
IMPORTANT: WpEstate 4.0 is not 100% compatible with the older theme version (3.07 or older). Rental Module has been removed entirely and cannot be used starting 4.0 update. Pages with custom shortcodes will need to be redone with the new shortcodes available and Visual Composer, features and amenities may have to be re-saved for old […]
Wp Estate change log since initial launch until 3.06 version
WP ESTATE v3.06 – December 15 UPDATED: Important update for the Sidebar Plugin included in the theme, according to Envato new guidelines. Update is recommended. Update: Revolution Slider to v5.3.1.5 WP ESTATE v3.05 – April 5 – 4.5 WordPress compatibility ADD: Text in My Profile about requirement to login again after changing password FIX: City […]