In the default design the logo must have maximum height 70 px and the sticky logo must have maximum height 60px.
If you wish to change header height to set a larger logo, see these options:
Standard Logo and favicon upload settings can be found in Theme Options – General – Logos & Favicon.
What each options does is explained below.
Your Favicon
Your Logo
Your Sticky Logo
Your Transparent Header Logo
Margin Top for logo*
*Margin top logo 0 means logo is aligned in center automatically.
Mobile/Tablets Logo
To add Retina logo versions for your own logos, create retina logo, add _2x at the end of name of the original file (for ex logo_2x.jpg) and upload it in the same uploads folder as the non retina logo.
These are example steps to add the retina logo version for your custom logo.
Add the logo in theme options (name example logo.png)
Add retina version in Media. Make sure the retina logo has _2x at the end. (if original name is logo, then retina should be logo_2x)
It is important the 2 images exist in the same month folder.