You can use a CSS trick to hide options from SORT dropdown .listing_filters_head .listing_filter_select [data-value=”1″] { display: none; } .listing_filters_head .listing_filter_select [data-value=”2″] { display: none; } Hides [data-value=”1″] means the order of the option in dropdown. You can change the value depending on what element you want to remove and what is the order number […]
Knowledge Base
Hide video from Property Page Menu
You can hide VIDEO with this css .property_menu :nth-child(5) { display: none; } How to add Custom CSS
How to add MailChimp form
Install MailChimp for WordPress plugin Connect the plugin to your mailchimp account Create your lists in Mailchimp Create a form and select the list Edit the form and Add the form with the shortcode We use this form html for our form from demo mailchimp Replace the form in the shortcode example from demo […]
Emails are not sending-only for Blue Host
If you are a Blue Hosting client and your emails are not sending, please follow the below steps. From other clients experience with Blue Host, this hosting has serveral specific mail requirements. For some clients making sure the sender email is registered with them. From a recent experience with another client at Blue Host, he had […]
Remove advanced search only from homepage
You can remove the advanced search only from homepage with a custom css class. Below example is to remove search type 5 only from home, but this can be adapted to all search types Search type 2 (web and mobile) .home #search_wrapper { display: none; } .home #adv-search-header-mobile { display: none; } Add the css […]
How to Setup WordPress and theme to Use SSL
If you are starting a new site and/or want to use HTTPS everywhere on your site, you need to update your site URL in Settings » General by updating your WordPress and site URL address fields. Enable SSL for google maps from Theme options » Google Maps settings If created API’s for […]
How to change mobile header height and logo size
To increase header height use this css code into theme options -> design -> custom css code .(or add in your style.css ) .mobile_header { height: 75px; } Change “70” value in the code with your own value. To increase mobile logo height use this css .mobile-logo img{ max-height: 55px; } Change “70” value in […]
Can I activate Visual Composer to use their Template Directory?
I am afraid this is not possible. I will explain why. As authors who wish to offer Visual Composer plugin included in our theme, we purchased an extended license from Visual Composer. This is a single license code that can be used only to offer the plugin Visual Composer in our theme as included. The extended […]
My Location / Geolocation button functionality
Google API changed the rules in June 2016. Staring this date the geolocation from Google will work only over https sites. For that reason starting version 1.16 WP Residence uses as source for geolocation info over http the with API, and for https sites Google Maps Geolocation API. For clients who use https for […]
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION…
If after theme installation you have white screen, please check the following: Enable wp-debug and set to true: If you see this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION … This means your server PHP is older than 5.3. Please ask hosting to upgrade your PHP to at least 5.6 for best performance.